Change is an integral aspect of life – everything about our world is constantly changing. The more we accept change, greet it and flow with it rather than push against it, the more likely we are to live without stress.
Each of us has a “change” threshold – how much change in our lives we can endure before reaching the breaking point. That threshold will be dependent on how healthy we are, our attitudes, whether or not the change is expected or not and whether the change is perceived as positive or negative.
Stress usually occurs when change takes us significantly out of our comfort zones. This often occurs when the change impacts our basic needs such as an income, home, food and health. It may also take place when there are unwanted changes to our social status, personal relationships or spheres of influence. Chronic stress can lead to serious health issues, so it is important to relieve stress whenever you can.
Each of us has a “change” threshold – how much change in our lives we can endure before reaching the breaking point. That threshold will be dependent on how healthy we are, our attitudes, whether or not the change is expected or not and whether the change is perceived as positive or negative.
Stress usually occurs when change takes us significantly out of our comfort zones. This often occurs when the change impacts our basic needs such as an income, home, food and health. It may also take place when there are unwanted changes to our social status, personal relationships or spheres of influence. Chronic stress can lead to serious health issues, so it is important to relieve stress whenever you can.
Here are some suggestions for dealing with changes in your life:
- Slow down. Take deep breaths. Don’t react until you hear all the facts and investigate the impact of what is happening. Get perspective before over-reacting. If you have the opportunity to postpone a decision, wait until you are not so emotionally attached to the outcome.
- Talk it out and weigh your options. Develop a support network. Talk with others who have been in a similar situation. You are not alone and you always have a choice.
- Develop a relaxation/meditation practice. Meditation has been proven to relieve stress and strengthen the immune system.
- Engage in things you enjoy and that make you laugh. Watch funny movies, spend time with your family or go on a vacation if you can.
- Take care of your physical health. Consume less caffeine, eat healthy food and get regular exercise.
- Develop an action plan. Having a plan in place will help you get up each morning and maintain a positive outlook.
- Focus on what you can control. Worrying incessantly about things you have no control over is not only unproductive, it can send you into a serious depression or worse.